The Village of Wellsville operates a Water Treatment Plant and distribution system. The primary drinking water source is the Genesee River that flows up out of Pennsylvania and the rural areas of New York to the south. This water source is extremely good and plentiful. The Village Water Treatment Plant started treating water for the Village on June 28, 1990. The plant is rated for 2.5 million gallons per day. The average daily consumption is currently at 900,000 gallons. The Treatment Plant has an excellent series of web pages of its own that can be accessed at
During 2004 the Village undertook an assessment of the entire watershed through a project with the NYS Rural Water Association. This project has been funded through a grant to Rural Water from the USEPA. Potential Pollutant Sources in Pennsylvania and New York have been cataloged and analyzed, and are used to look at future projects to improve the quality of water being provided to the residents and businesses of the Village.
The Village of Wellsville Annual Water Quality Report are available at If you would like a hard copy, some are available at the billing office or you may call 585-596-1730.
The Village of Wellsville Sewer System is designed to handle the effluent from the residents and businesses within the Village. Some additional lines serve facilities and homes within the Town of Wellsville. The lines, pump stations, and treatment plant are operated by Village Public Works staff. The system also treats leachate from nearby landfills and accepts septic system pumping trucks at the Treatment Plant. Recreational vehicles may also eliminate their waste at the plant. Contact the office at 585-596-1725 for information on what is and what isn't accepted at the Treatment Plant and what conditions you may have to meet.